Advantages for primary school students after the patent application: primary school students with invention patents can be admitted to key junior high schools, private junior high schools, and foreign language junior high schools, which is a very high privilege.

    Junior high school students who apply for patents in Shenzhen can have any advantages: Junior high school students with invention patent achievements can directly score extra points in the entrance examination, some places can be directly admitted to key high schools as science and technology special students, and some places are eligible to participate in the independent enrollment of key high schools and reduce their scores to key high schools.

    What are the benefits of patent application for high school students: The Ministry of Education stipulates that high school students with invention patents or utility model patents can participate in the independent enrollment of famous universities such as 985, 211 and key universities, which is equivalent to a drop of 20 points or more to enter key universities. And high school students who have invention patents or utility model patents participate in the "National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition" or "Tomorrow's little Scientist" award activities to win one or two prizes, can be exempted from the exam and recommended to be admitted to a famous university.

    So for college students, having a patent application, can bring them what benefits? College students with patents can apply to the university to change their major in the process of studying the unpopular major, and transfer to the popular major; College students have patents, can get innovation credits, make up for the lack of failure; College students participate in invention and creation on campus, which helps to form good habits, better acquire the cultivation of ability, and better find jobs when graduation, and be reused by enterprises. College students with patents have advantages in choosing better majors in graduate school. As an innovative part, they can gain the favor of their tutors, which is also an important measure of strong practical ability and innovative ability. In terms of going abroad, if a college student gets a patent, it will also help to get an Offer to enter a better foreign university for further study.
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